We welcome abstracts (in English or Portuguese), of no more than 350 words. Please include title, state of the art, research questions and aims, content outline, and the specific contribution to current knowledge. Abstracts should be submitted via easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hahp2019
The submission deadline is February 16th, 2019 February 24th, 2019.
Preferred themes include (but are not limited to):
- Archives and repertoires of music making
- Music and social sustainability
- Life stories of ‘hidden’ musicians
- Women in music
- Experimental performance practices
Types of proposals:
- Paper presentations (max. length 20 minutes): submissions should be accompanied by a short curriculum (approx. 100 words) of the presenter, and include 3 to 5 keywords.
- Pre-formed panels: please submit a general abstract and individual abstracts for each named speaker, and a short curriculum of each of the presenters, and include 3 to 5 keywords. Panels should last 1 hour and 30 minutes, including discussion.
- Lecture-Recitals (max. length 45 minutes): submissions should specify the exact length and be accompanied by a short curriculum of the presenter, and include 3 to 5 keywords.
Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel, and presenters will be advised as to their acceptance or otherwise by March 2019. The deadline for the submission of proceedings articles (accepted authors only) is July 15th, 2019.